Wednesday, September 30, 2015


1. As stated in the lecture, there are many ways artists unify their artwork to show symbolism and visuality. Individuality is a way artists unify their art work to show their differneciality and way of mind set then others, Some ways artists unify their art work is by the color they apply on their work how repetition of the color, shape , size and image. Artists show unity in their art by the combination and repetition of color and shape to resemble a fine work of art or symbolization.

An example of how this artwork is unified. This is an artwork by Alex Grey, the unification of this piece of art comes from the combination of a human and space. This shows how the human mind resembles, the mind itself can receive and release infinite ideas as how space/ galaxy is infinite symbolizing unity.

2.There are many artists that use asymmetric balance to form their art work. Asymmetrical balance is basically means no symmetry , meaning it has nothing to do with balance nor mirror image is shown. However, in an Asymmetrical balance artwork the elements are displayed so there can be a sense of balance shown. As seen in this art work , asymmetric balance is displayed by the shapes and colors being similar to show a sense of balance,  but overal it has no balance nor reflection to show symmtry.

3. Scale is relation of one thing to another, the exaggeration in size.  Scale can change the meaning of an artwork due to the way people acknowledge and admiring the art work by the way it is itself and its originality. For example this image shows how scale can change the meaning of an art work by its exaggeration in size, people not used to seeing an object that size. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Brian Echeverria


The qualities of the Egyptian, greek and roman styles shown in the online lecture all show symbolism and imagery on the history of these countries. In the video showed a map of ancient Egypt and the speaker described the area being surrounded by deserts. These deserts has not changed and had a consist style over the last twenty five hundred years. The map also provided a crucial role to the civilization back then to travel to their destination for needs.
The map is seen to be a historical map used in ancient times, it symbolizes the difference of times, shape and color people used to create a map back then. Another style shown in the video symbolizing ancient Egyptian Greek times is statue figures of two ancient king and queen, the queen holding on to the king,  symbolizing quality and strength. Both standing in a specific position showing quality of ancient time civilization. Another sculpture shown in the video shows a portrait drawing of a family, Mother , Father and three of their babies. The mother in the portrait supposedly was one of the most beautiful women in their times. The couple also ruled ancient Egypt from 1352 to 1336 BC and was know from a religious revolution that worshiped one god only. Analyzing the ancient portrait myself i can describe life in that time was not as stressful as life in present time. Both parents taking care of their babies showing them love and power. I see the sun shining towards them symbolizing positive towards them.

A little about me,  my name is Brian i go to Laguardia Community College, im athletic (play soccer and basketball) im 6'3 feet tall and I also like to travel .