Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Renaissance & Baroque Art 1 Page Essay

Renaissance & Baroque 

In the renaissance styles were in fact different then the Baroque styles.The Renaissance style was brought up during the 14th century and ended around the early 17th century. The Renaissance styles were viewed and recognized throughout the world from its unique sense of differentiation of the way painters painted  from before the renaissance and after the renaissance. Renaissance art was mainly created by Italian scholars to arouse the historical achievements of the Roman and Greek culture. On the other hand, Barouque style became popular on 1600, and ended by 1750. Techniques mainly  used throughtout this time period, painters  enhanced where the use of composition, scale, the use of lighting and many more. Baroque art started in Italy, it also started with religion (catholic church). The style made the religious painting more inspiring.

This Renaissance painting was created by Paolo Veronese. This painting described to be a wedding at venice , showing Jesus in the middle. At this biblical wedding at Cana, Jesus was going to conduct his first miracle to turn water into wine. This painting is shown to have sort oh sharp tone to it to show the dramatic sense of each person doing something.

Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese

This Baroque painting was created by Josefa de Obides. In this photo in fact displays a great detail of light and shadow to enhance the drama to the time setting and the new born baby. The color signifies the time frame as well.

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