Saturday, December 12, 2015

Artist interview from the Art 21 website and write a summary of their work on your blog-OCT30

In the interview of the artist Keltie Ferris, she describes her new series of abstract paintings in her Bushwick, Brooklyn studio. Ferris describes her paintings as something that is seeing through to other worlds of hiding and exposing. Something that is abstract, something that is hard to express and at the same time unnameable. Ferris talks about how she connects to the world while working alone. Solitude for her is a way of getting close together with her inner self. Being by herself and painting at the same time is some type of technique that enables her to experience both pleasure and anxiety, while working in solitude. In fact, Ferris finds inspiration in books and urban environments. Ferris also situates her works of art in an art historical tradition by applying oil paint with a variety of techniques such as using brush, palette knife, and a spray gun and ends up building up layers of marks over various weeks into complex patterns and shapes. Describing her work of art as an abstraction that is about “trying to undo the nameable things in life”.

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